Main cautions:Before gluing get familiar with the main plan of the model and the assembly drawing. Each drawing forms a complete group of numbered pieces, necessary for workmanship. Pieces marked by a * glue on a cardboard with a thickness of about 0,5 mm. We use a rule of matching pieces together „on dry”, try on twice- then glue. While gluing the fuselage check the symmetry of its gluingness. The thickness and length of wire should be picked ou, the shape should be performer by the given pattern. Places not printed, cut curbs, scratches  etc., paint with waterless or other in suitable colours.




Begin the build of the model from constructing the bodies skeleton from already glued onto the cardboard pieces  A1 to A9, B1, B2 and B4. The glued piece B3 and glued inside it seat made from pieces B5, B5a, C6a and C6e, glue to piece B1. Glue frame B4 only after gluing piece B3 to B1 as showed in the assembly drawing 1. To the frames of the glued construction glue plywood 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a. Next glue over the segments sheathing made from pieces 1 to 4 as showed in the assembly drawing 2. Keeping in order the assembly, glue into segment 1 the pilots cabin equipment, formed pieces C1P and C1L, frame 1a and the remaining glued on ready details as well as elements made from pieces C2 to C8band wire as showed in the assembly drawing 2 and 2a. The front part of the body, glued from piece 8 and frame 8a, 8b as well as the part of the tail, glued from piece 5,6 and 7, plywood 5a and 6a as well as frame 5b and 6b, join all these pieces together to the glued construction. Glue to the  body elements 2c and 2d, the glued ring made from pieces B5d and B5e, the navigators cabin equipment made from glued details from pieces B6 to B11f and wire 3-12 as showed in drawing 2 and 2b. In the back part of the body „on glue” fit the girder 7a in order to fit later on the tail plane. While gluing the engines shield  from pieces 9 to 12 and plywood 9a, 10a, 11a form it to create the proper figure, with the help of frames 9e and 14 as showed in the assembly drawing 3. After gluing, paint the inside of the shield black.As showed in assembly drawing 3a glue the engine from pieces 15 to 15k and frame 14. The ready engines14 glue into the shield so that the front part of 15i will stuck out about 1 mm beyond the edges of glued pieces 12 and 13. After gluing the engine, above the openings in the shields sheathing from the inside glue cavities from pieces 9b and 9c. In the openings of the cavities glue the exhaust pipes 9d. On the entire circumference from the inside of the shields segments to the edges mark with a line like on the drawing 3. Glue in the marked space frame 9e and to the shields sheathing piece 10b. The ready engines shield glue to the bodies model. Glue the construction of the central skeleton from pieces 1L to L27 L,and the construction of the pylons; from pieces M1 to M4, N1 to N4, wire 7 and pylons from pieces R1, R2P, R2L as showed in drawing 4 and 4a. To the frames construction glue plywood from 27a to 53aL. The top part of the float glue segments made from pieces 26 to 36, the bottom with segments and buttockline from pieces 49 to 54. CAUTION: Before gluing over the segments and buttocklines form them and slightly humid it. When it dries you can glue it. Glue over the pylons sheathing 37 and 38. The crossem string make from pieces 43, 43a, 43b glue together , from tightly rolled and glued rolls and properly cut ends, glue to the pylons 37 and 38. Glue to the float elements of the equipment from 44 to 48, 55 and 56. Rolled and glued onto wires 8, supports 41 and 42 glue to the float. In the openings of the body, fit the ends of the pylons and the support. The ready glued pylon from pieces 39 to 39c and construction R1, R2 and steering wheel 40, glue to the body and the float in the marked space. Glue the construction of the stabilizer fin from pieces D1 to D7 and the rudder from E1 to E6and wire 4 as showed in drawing 5. Join together the rudder to the stabilizer by wires and grind. Glue over the separated parts, the stabilizer with the sheathing 16, the rudder with the sheathing 17 as showed on the assembly drawing 5a. The ready stabilizer fin glue to the body and join to the rudder. Glue similarly the tail planes construction from pieces F1 to F7, the elevator from pieces G1 and G7 and wire 5, when joined grind. CAUTION: Piece G6 of the elevator  during the grinding cut properly as showed in the assembly drawing 6b. Over the stabilizers construction glue sheathing 18, the elevator with the sheathing 19 as showed in the assembly drawing 6a. When ready, horizontaly glue to the Gilder 7a and the models frame. After gluing join with wires 5 the stabilizers to the rudder. Glue the airfoils construction from pieces H1 to H13, flap from J1 to J6 and airleron from K1 to K5 and wire 3 and 6. The joined construction of the airfoil with flaps and airlerons. CAUTION: After gluing the airleron, during grinding  piece K4 cut off properly as showed in drawing 6b. Glue over the airfoils construction sheathing 20, 21, 22 and 23 as well as plywood 20a and 21a. Cover the flaps with sheathing 24, the airlerons with sheathing 25 as showed in drawing 7a. Fix the ready airfoils to the body and fill them with pieces 25a and glued pitot tube 87 and wire 16. As showed in the drawing 8 glue the skeletons construction of the unerwings floats from pieces T1 to T10. When ready glue to the plywood and sheathing from 57 to 60 as showed in the assembly drawing 8a. The pylons 63, 64 and 65 glue together to wires 9, 10, 11. Glue the ends of the wires to the floats and in the marked space of the bottom part of the wings surface. Glue to the floats pieces 66 and 67. Glue the windscreens net of the pilots cabin made from pieces 68, 69, 70 and the navigators cabin 71, 72, 73. Glue from the inside glazing made from the showed patterns S1 to S6 and the inside of the net 68a and 73a. CAUTION: While gluing the pilots windscreen form frame A3, nawigator according to frame A4 and B2. In the version of the opened cabins do not glue the frames of the windscreen from 70, 71, 72, 73 as showed in the assembly drawing 10 and in the main plan of the model. Glue the towing carriage from pieces 79 to 79e, wire 13 and wheels from 80 to 80d. Make the wheel from cardboard as showed in drawing 80, 80a, 82. After gluing  grind and paint black-as showed in drawing 11a. Glue the propeller from from pieces 78 to 78f, pin 78g and toothpick as showed in the assembly drawing 13. Piece 78 glue onto the toothpick. The glued propellers blade 78e and 78f fit with the help of toothpicks to piece 78. Glue to piece 78 with the help of a pin tightly rolled element 78a and 78b. The completed pieces 78c and 78d, the ready propeller fit with the help of the pin to the engines model. According to the main plan and the assembly drawing 14, details made from pieces 83 to 86 and wire XV antena 83 and XVII gunsight 86, the models build is finished.