TS-11 ISKRA                                                4/2006







Before gluing, get familia with the main plan of the model and the assembly drawing.

Use the rule of  matching pieces together “on dry”, try on twice-then glue.

While gluing the fuselage check the symmetry of its gluingness. Places not printed, cut curbs, scratches, etc. paint with waterless paint  or other suitable colours. After gluing the model paint with colourless and half matt varnish to make the construction more resistant from damage and much easier to clean from dust.






…roll tightly

…bend in half and glue

…bend in half,into the inside put cardboard

…glue with Bristol

…glue with 0,5 mm texture

…glue with 1 mm texture


Beside some of the pieces is a drawing, showing their shape. The green numbers mark  the spaces where the details should be glued.The frames edges should be grinded according to the segments  which are joined to it.




Begin the build of the model from making segments 1 and 2. Just at the beginning you have to choose whether you want to make a simple version of the bulbous bow or the whole version. According to your decision frame A1 should be used. If you decide not to make the inside you can choose any frame A1. Inside of frame A1 cut out holes which will be needed for fitting the undercarriage cavity. Glue frame A1 to frame A2 on the not printed sides. Next glue frame A2 to the front of segment 1, for frame A1 should stick out of the segment.  In this part do not use joining straps. The striped spaces on frames A3 and A4 should be cut out. Do not throw out the cut out pieces, just put them back in the spaces where they have been cut out of. It will be good if you  trickle the edges of frames A3 and A4 with cyano-acryle glue. Before gluing frame A3,  to frame A4 should be glued from the unprinted side pieces A3a and A4a or paint it.The sides of segments 1 and 2 should be properly bent to the inside. Now to both segments you can glue piece 3. Next glue segment 4 and frame A5. Before gluing the segment cut out the marked spaces to which later on will be glued the undercarriages inside. Similarly in frame A5 you should cut out  the slashed space. Before gluing the segment to the rest of the model, from piece 4b form the edges of the cabins insides. piece 4c with pattern S1 glue to piece 3 as according to the drawing. Glue the cabins equipment from pieces 5-16 with the help of drawings. Here you have to pay attention to: pieces 5 and 6 are separated for the front and back, which are slightly different from each other. Glue pieces 16a and 16b on the unprinted sides and then glue between the cabins weather sides in the marked space. It would be even better to glue this piece before fitting piece 9. The instrument board glue in the following order: first glue together pices 13a, b, c, d, e, h (14a, b, c, d, g). Glue pieces 13i, j (14h, i) to pieces 5 or 6, then between both pieces 13i,j (14h, i) glue the instrument board. Glue pieces 13f, g (14e, f) from the top to the edge of the cabins whether side. After making the cabins equipment glue to the model segment 17 and frame A6. As in segment 4 cut out the marked spaces under the undercarriages cavities. Glue the undercarriages cavities from piece 18a or from pieces 18a, b. In the complete version after gluing piece 18a to the inside glue piece 18b. The ready cavities glue to the body. Next glue segments 19 to frame A7 and 20 to frame A8. You can cut out in segment 20 before gluing the intake holes and glue them to pieces 20b, c. Next from pieces 21a-d glue the engines shaft. Glue pieces 21b to piece 21a. on the circumference glue three properly profiled piece 21d. Glue the entire piece into rolled piece 21c and then glue to frame A8. Next glue piece 22 and frame A9. After gluing frame A9 cut out from the outside, next trickle the edges with cyano-acryle glue, later on cut out the inside holes. Glue the tail boom from pieces 23, 24 and frames A10, 11, 12. Before gluing segment 23 to the inside you can glue piece 23b. On the top part of segments 23, 24 cut out elongate holes, which will be used to fit the stabilizer fins skeleton. Glue the ready beam to the body.From pieces A13-A18 glue the stabilizers fin skeleton, which you glue to the cut out holes in the tail boom and into the frame- girder A12. From pieces 25a, b and frame A19 glue the end of the exhaust nozzles. Make frame A19 similarly as frame A9. Now make the front of the undercarriage. The joinings of the elements which the udercarriage leg is fitted to frame A1 as well as some joinings from the frame should all be made with the help of cyano-acryle glue. Roll tightly onto pattern S7 piece 26a and on it glue piece 26b. Piece 26c as well as tightly rolled piece 26d glue to the lower part of the undercarriage leg 26a. After properly bending pieces 26e, f, g, h glue them together. Between the two teams (left and right) glued from pieces 26e, f, g, h glue piece 26i, the ready part glue to piece 26j. Glue the ready fork to piece 26d as well as pattern S7 with cyano-acryle glue. Glue to the back of the undercarriage leg tightly rolled piece 26k. In the space seen in the drawing, glue to the undercarriage leg on both sides piece 26m, in between it glue tightly rolled piece 27³. Glue from the outside to piece 26m tightly rolled piece 26n. Now from wires S8, 9, 10 make the construction, which will help to fit together the undercarriage leg to the frame. To the ends of wire S10 glue piece 26l. Onto wire S13 roll tightly piece 26o. From the top to piece 26o glue piece 26p, between which you glue piece 26g, which will help to fit the engine to the frame. Glue the servo-motor to piece 26m. Between both pieces 26r glue wire S14. Glue the wire from the bottom to piece 26n. Glue all of the sevo-motors and pylons joinings (S14-26r) with cyano-acryle glue. Next roll tightly piece 27a onto wire S15. Glue to the top piece 27b, fix the ready detail to piece 27c and to the undercarriage leg with the help of wire S16 as showed in the drawing. Glue to piece 27c withe the help of piece 27d reflectors glued from pieces 27e-g. Glue to piece 26e tightly rolled piece 27h on pattern S17. From piece 28a-d glue the undercarriage wheel. When ready glue it to the axle,which you then glue to the undercarriages front fork. While gluing the wheel, first glue together pieces 28a-c. Next after gluing piece 28d grind its sides as showed in the drawing. Glue grinded piece 28d on the sides of the wheels. Paint the ready wheel with  ink or black paint. Glue pattern S12 on the sides of piece 28b. Glue the ready undercarriage leg to frame A1 (in the marked space) with the help of cyano-acryle glue. The front undercarriage can be simplified if you resign from pieces 27a, b, h,S12, 15, 16, 17. Now make the front of the model. Here the description will be separated into two parts: the first part is regarded to the airplanes bow without the inside,  the second part is regardede to the airplanes bow which is fully equipt. Which ever part you decide to choose, into the front part of the model you must glue a ballast. Putting the ballast in the first version doesn’t need to be explained. In the full version you must put the ballast into the inside of the smoke-making liquid tank.



                                                PART 1


The front undercarriages cavity glue from pieces 29a-d. After bending piece 29a glue it to piece 29b, glue the entire part from the top to piece 29cL and cP, close the cavity from the front with piece 29d. Glue the ready cavity to the front frame (A1). Next glue segments 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 as well as frames A20, 21, 22, 23. In segments 30 and 31 you should cut out parts of the undercarriages cavitie covers. (If you make the model with a closed undercarriage then do not make the front undercarriage (27, 28, 29), neither the cavity(29), do not cut out parts of the covers from pieces 30 and 31. Instead of  frames A21 and A20 use the proper frames A26 and A27 but do not cut out holes onto pieces A24 and A30). For the undercarriage to be ready, only the cover should be made. Glue the covers as showed in the drawing from piece 35. First glue together on the unprinted sides pieces 35a and b. Glue the ready detail from the bottom to the undercarriages cavity and frame A1. Next glue together on the unprinted sides pieces 35c and d, profile them properly and nextly cut them into 4 pieces. Glue the small pieces to the flap in the proper angle. Now glue to the flaps piece 35e. From pieces 35f, g, h make the flaps hinges. On the insides of the undercarriages cavities there are no places marked where the flaps should be glued “choose them experimentally”.



                                            PART 2


The front part of the bow with the undercarriages cavity construct from pieces 36a-f. Whether you choose to make the installation or not, choose piece 36b. You can also cut off pieces 36a, b and replace them with a truss, solder or glue from pieces of wire. The ready glued detail glue to frame A1. Now glue pieces 36g, h, i, j, as well as pieces k,l  glued together on the unprinted sides. On both sides of the cavities glue details made from pieces 37a, b. Next on wire S18 roll tightly in the proper space pieces 37c and d, glue the ready wire between frame A1 and piece 36c. As showed in the drawing between frame A1 and piece 36b glue the second wire S19. Now glue from pieces 38a, b, c and wire S20, S21, S22 smoke-making liquid tank and glue it to piece 36c. Remember to glue inside the tank a ballast. Glue together on the unprinted side pieces 38e, f after bending. Glue these pieces to the tank and to piece 42. Next as showed in the drawing glue and join in the proper spaces pieces 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 56, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55.

Now you can fill the bow with extra elements B-£, which is showed in the drawing. In the same drawing is showed the installations course, which you can also make. The bundle of cables running beside piece 42 glue with the help of stripes 42d. The properly glued stripes piece 42d shouldn’t cover piece 42b, they run from piece 42a to the bottom of piece 42c to piece 42a on the other side. The undercarriages flaps piece 35 make in the identical way as presented in part 1. Now make the bows shield. First glue from pieces A24-A30 the skeleton on which you will glue the shield.Next glue the shield from pieces 30-34 on the earlier made skeleton. As in earlier part 1, you should cut off parts of the undercarriages cavity 30 and 31. It would be good to make the plywood, which is put between segments 33 and 34, from thin paper. The ready shield can be painted from the inside with grey paint.

Next glue over the stabilizer fins skeleton piece 56a. If you want to make a movable rudder you should cut out the marked spaces in piece 56a. Make the rudder from piece 56b which is glued onto the skeleton made from pieces A31-33, 56c and wire S28. Fit the ready rudder to the stabilizer fin. Full the ready stabilizer with details 56d,e,f,g,h,i. You should remember that before gluing piece 56a, cut out holes needed for wires S29. Next glue the tail plane. If you have decided to make movable or non movable rudder glue proper skeletons from pieces A34, A35 or A36, A37. The ready skeleton should be grinded in order to get the proper profile.Glue the ready skeleton with shell planting piece 57a. When you make the movable rudder then from piece 57a cut out pieces and replace them with rudders glued from pieces 57b. The rudders skeleton after gluing should be grinded. Fit the ready rudders to the stabilizers. Glue to the left rudder piece 57e and f. In the place showed in the drawing to the left rudder glue a trimming tab piece 57g. In the hole of the stabilizer glue glued together pieces 57d. Glue from pieces 58a and b elevator pusher as well as the shield. Now make the wings. First you must choose wheather you want to make the fully equipt wings or not. Glue the wings skeleton from pieces A41-A61 in the simple version and pieces from A41-A69 in the full version. In the full version cut out holes in piece A47L and A58. The ready skeleton should be grinded. In the simple version over the skeleton should be glued sheathing(the sheating should be glued only on one side of the skeleton, at the top or bottom side) put it onto the girder and glue it to the body. In the full version before formating the sheathing piece 59h, you should properly cut off the marked parts. Glue spaces under the reflector from the inside with piece 59i, under the airbrake glue pieces 61 (2) a,b. Remember that piece 61 is the bottom airbrake and piece 62 is the top airbrake. In the full version first glue the skeleton from pieces A41-A61, omitting piece A58. Next from pieces A64, A65, A66 and A59a, b, c, d, e and wire S31 glue the flap. The ready flap put between the hole In piece A58, onto the ends of the wires glue parts of the insulation which will let his part move in piece A47.  Now glue piece A58 to the skeleton, next from both sides of the skeleton glue piece A62. The properly fitted flap should pull out and nextly rotate down. Next glue from pieces A67, 68, 69, 59g and wire S32 the airlerons skeleton. The reay skeleton glue to the sheathing and pin to the wing. The ready skeleton glue to the sheathing and the entire wing glue to the body. Now glue the reflektor piece 60 and breaks 61, 62, 63. Glue the intake as showed in the drawing First glue pieces 64a-64h.If you choose to make the undercarriages cavity then from piece 64c cut out the marked parts. Next glue the from part of the intake from pieces 64i, 64j. Piece 64j from the unprinted side paint red and the rudder 64i black. The front part of segment 64j make as on pattern X1. Now the intake and the wing glue to the  fairing 64k, l, ³.Next glue together pieces 64m and n Piece 64n should slightly stuck out of at the back. With the help of this stuck out part so you can glue the segment to the earlier made intake. The main undercarriage glue in the following way: First onto wire S33 roll piece 66a, next on wire S34 roll piece 66b. The top part of piece 66b should be grinded and glued to piece 66a. Next to the leg glue pieces 66c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j. As according to drawing glue 4 pieces of piece 67 which you then glue to the leg. Glue from piece 70 the wheel which should be grinded and painted, then put onto the leg. Next glue from pieces 71a, b,c the cover. With the help of pieces 71d, e, f fit the cover to the leg. The bottom part of the cover glue to wire S34 which will prezent the wheel from falling off. Now fit the leg to the hole in the wing  with the help of cyano-acryle glue. The remaining covers chich are 72 and 73 glue as according to the drawing and glue to the model.

After making ready and cutting out a piece of transparent foil form it on hot. Glue the foil to piece 74a, next from the inside glue piece 74c. Glue from pieces 74d, e, f, g the shields armery. In the back part of  the marked space glue two pieces 74h and the entire part glue to the body. The front windscreen glue from pieces 75a,c foil F3 and when ready glue to the body. Supplement the ready model with the remaining details: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. You can forget abort adding part 85 because it may be quite complicated. The shields can be glued from pieces glued twice situated on the thin sheet or on  the thick sheet.You should also remember that before each flight the top part of the shield should be taken off. You should also remember about the smoke-making instalation. Anyone who wants can also fit a ladder from S41 as well as the support for wheels. Paint the ladder  with blue or red paint.


We wish great time while making the model.