JELCZ GCBA 13/48 12/2005
+………………glue with brystol
*………………glue to 0,5 mm cardboard
**……………..glue to 1 mm cardboard
***……………glue to 1,5 mm cardboard
(no¿yczki)……..cut out
…………….fold into half and glue
…………………fold in half and put inside cardboard
->……………….the rolling direction
Beside some parts are showed in drawings the shapes of pieces. The green and white numbers show where to glue pieces.
Frame- Begin the build of the frame from making the frame side member pieces 1L and 1P. Each frame side member consists of 3 pieces: 1a, 1b and 1c. The way of gluing together these pieces is ilustrated in the drawing. Next as according to the drawings make the crosspiece pieces 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Glue to pieces 3a, 4a and 4b pieces 3a’, 4a’ and 4b’ to get elements colour sided. The ready crosspieces (without piece 3a) glue to one of the frame side members, next glue to it the other frame side member. Glue from the bottom the last frmae side memeber piece nr. 3. Now to the ready frame glue pieces 7, 8and 9 as showed in the drawing. Glue from pieces 10a-f the bumper. After gluing to pieces 10a and 10b cardboard glue to pieces 10a’ and 10b’. In the model are 4 sets of number plater from which you have to choose one. The ready bumper glue to the frame while fitting on it the glued body. It will be a good chance to fit the two parts together.
The back suspension-The build of the back suspension begin from making elements 11 and 12. Next to both sides of element 11 put and glue element 12. The ready element glue from the bottom to the frame. Next glue both of the suspension springs element 13 as well as its fittings element 14. With the help of pattern S1 fix the suspension spring in the fitting.(do not fit pieces 14f-14i yet) The suspension springs as well as the fittings put to both sides of piece 11d in the marked space and then glue. Next to the fittings glue pieces 14f-14i. Now make the rear axle 15 as well as the front one 16. The front axles case is slightly „ turned” which is why it should be made on the skeleton. Make the skeleton from pieces 16A-16D and glue over it pieces 16a,b,c. Pieces 16a and 16b should be glued to the proper part sof the skeleton which is showed in the drawings. To the sides of the ready axles glue the brake drum as well as the hub piece 17 and the suspension spring slipper piece 18. Now make the braking system (servo-motor) as well as the fittings (element 19) and as showed in the drawings glue the enitre part to the axles. Make the stick element 20 as showed in the drawing. (pieces 20a and 20b should be grinded in order to make the edges more round and next paint it black). Put the ready axles onto the suspenison springs and fit with the help of sticks element 20 as showed in the drawings. You should pay attention to the distance between the pivots of both axles, it should equal about 56 mm. To end the rear suspenison only the shaft must be made-pieces from 20g to 20j and glue between both axles with the help of articulated joints S7 made from a pipe from a used pens refill. (Do not glue piece 20i to 20g, it should be movable in order to match the length of the shaft to the axles).
The front suspension.
Make the front axle from pieces 21a-21d. Next from pieces 21e-21i make the switch on both sides of the axle. In order to make a movable switch, wire S8 shouldn’t be glued to piece 21e (it should rotate easily), instead glue it to the rollers 21f. Glue to the rollers piece 21g and to it from the top and bottom glue pieces 21h and 21i. Glue to the axle suspension spring fittings piece 21j. Next make the tie rod. While making the movable version in pieces 22b and 21i drill holes to which you put through an axle made from wire 0,3 mm.Secure the axle from falling with cyano-acryle glue (do the same with piece 28j). Now make the front axle fitting pieces 23-25 which you glue as showed in the drawing and glue to the frame. Make the suspension spring as showed in the drawing. Glue the ready suspension spring to the axle with the help of pattern S11. The entire axle with the suspension springs glue to the fittings (23, 24, 25). Fill the set with shock absorbers (element 27), the steering gear (element 28), as well as stabilizer (element 29). In order to make the steering gear look at the drawing and the movable joinings of the sticks 28j make as in element 22. Glue the wheels hubs element 30 to both steering knuckles and then the front suspension is finished. The front wheels hubs can be made in two ways, the ful lor simple version. The build of both versions is showed in the drawing.
The Power unit.
First begin from making the engines block piece 31, to it from the bottom glue the drip pan piece 32 and from the top glue the knuckle piece 33. Next make the induction system from pieces 34c, d and when ready glue it to the knuckles. Do the similar thing while making the inlet system (pieces 34a, b). From the top to piece 34b glue piee 34e and 34f. After properly profiling piece 34g glue it in the marked space to 34a. Next as showed in the drawing make the turbocompressor piece 35 and glue to the back element piece 34c. Join element 34a to the turbocompressor with the help of patten S17. It will be best to make pattern S17 from quick-setting compound. Glue from the front to the engine element 36, next as according to the drawing make the compressor as well as the injection pump(element 36 and 37). Glue the ready set from the right side of the engine. Make the pressure conduit from wire 0,3-0,4 mm as showed in the drawing. Glue on the electric wiring in the marked space piece 39. Glue element 40 to piece 34a. Glue ready elements 41, 42, 43 to the engines body in the proper space. Glue to the front of the engine the ready pulleys piece 44 and 45. Over both pulley and the pulleys generator pull put on stipes 46.As showed in the drawing glue the gearbox from pieces 47, 48, 49 and when ready glue to the back of the engine. Glue the starter piece 50 to piece 47a. Glue to the ready engine the fan piece 52 as well as the front and back fittings piece 53. Glue the ready set into the frame. What you also have to do is the cooler element 51 and glue it to the front of the engine. Join the cooler to the engine with the help of pattern S19 as showed in the assembly drawing. The shaft-element 54- which joins the power unit to the bridges make as showed in the drawings and then glue between gearbox and the front bridge.
Element 55(the back cabins suspension) make as showed in the drawing and then glue to the frame. Element 56 the front fitting of the cabin as well as the leasing mechanism glue as showed in the drawing.
Elements 57 and 58 the auxiliary frame as well as the driver shaft autopump.
Make the frames stringer from glued together pieces 57a and b. Glue between the auxiliary in the marked space two crosspieces glued from pieces 57c and d. Glue the ready frame to the vehicles frame. Next make the driver shaft autopump. Roll tighty pieces 58a and d onto a 2mm stamen. Next roll tightly onto piece 58a in the marked space both pieces 58b. On them gkue properly profiled piece 58c which will be needed in order to fit the shaft into the frame. Glue from pieces 58e the articulations which you then glue to the shaft as showed in the drawing. Shaft 58a join with the gearbox with the help of shaft 58d. Join the halves of the articulations with the help of pattern S7 made from empty pen input.
From elements 59, 60, 61 glue the toolbox as well as the air compressor tank. The ready set glue to the frame. While making the air tank you can choose the way of gluing the tanks ends. Use pieces 60 (61)c or 60(61)d. If you decise to choose pieces marked with „c” the details before gluing should be cambered, if you choose pieces marked with „d” notch the details in the marked spaces, profile and when it is ready glue it to the tanks.
Pieces 62 and 63, the air cleaner as well as the filter.
Glue from piece 62 the air cleaner and fix it to the frame. Glue from piece 63 as showed in the drawing air cleaners funnel and when ready glue it to the back wall of the cabin. Join the filter to the funnel with the help of frame S34. Do not glue pattern S34 to the funnel, it should slightly hide inside the funnel while leaning the cabin. With the help of pattern S35 join filter to the engine. Patterns S34 ans S35 should be made from empty pen inputs bended on hot ubove a candle. You can also choose Rother methods. It is important that the patterns should be light, that is why no wires are used during its making.
Pieces 64 and 65, the exhaust system.
Glue from piece 64 the exhaust silencer and from piece 65 the exhaust pipes fitting. The exhaust pipes make as according to patterns S36 and S37 in a similar way as earlier. Slip the pipes into the silencer piece 64 (but don’t glue them yet). Onto piece S37 put the fitting piece 65. The ready exhaust system fit into the car. (glue piece 65 to the frame, and piece S36 to piece 35). Now regulate the length of the exhaust system, properly slipping in and out patterns S41 and S42 from piece 64. Next the joinings in piece 64 with the patterns immobilize with the help of glue.
Piece 66, The fuel tank.
The fuel tank can be made in two ways-the simple or full version. In the full version you can make the imitation of transfer plungers. While making the simple version resign from elements 66d, b, e, f and under element 66c glue a 0,5 mm cardboard. If you choose to make the full version, from pieces 66c and 66a cut out the imitation of transfer plungers. Glue to piece 66a after profiling from the bottom pieces 66e and 66f. Glue the sides of the tank in this version from pieces 66b,c,d as showed in drawing. Glue the ready tank to the frame
Element 67, wheel.
Glue the wheels as according to the assembly drawing. While gluing the wheels pay attention to the following things:
-on piece 67c are showed the places of the joining to pieces 67d(j) and 67e
-under piece 67h glue pieces 67h’
-piece 67g in the front wheels glue the printed side to the outside, in the back wheels piece 67g glue the printed side to the inside of the wheel. In the spare wheel glue together two pieces of 67g on the unprinted side.
-over piece 67g glue piece 67h so that the”bolts” on piece 67g will fall between the „cut outs” in piece 67h. You can see it clearly in the assembly drawing.
- the back wheels are slightly different from the front ones- their tyre tread is different piece 67k instead of piece 67i as well as piece 67j instead of 67d. You should remember this while gluing and do not mistaken these pieces. Glue the ready wheels together into pairs.
- the spare wheel glue similarly as one of the back wheels
The drivers cabin.
Make the cabin in two stages. First glue the inside as well as the inside walls and then glue it over with the outside walls.Begin the build of the cabin from gluing the floor, glue together elements 68a and 68b. Now from elements 68c (outside) as well as 68d and 68e (inside) glue the front part of the engines tunnel and from pieces 68f, 68g the back part of the tunnel.
Glue both parts together. Glue element 68h from the bottom to piece 68g in the marked space. Glue piece 68i from the bottom to the floor. To the ready tunnel on the sides glue the earlier made floors(the left and right). Make the front wall from piece 69a and 69b which are glued together. Glue the wall from the front to the floors and tunnel. Glue to the wall element made from piece 69c and 69d. The front panel as well as the clock (element 70) glue as showed in the drawing and when ready, glue it to piece 69a. From piece 71 glue the CB radio, next glue it to piece 70. Glue to the floors in the marked space the pedal pieces 76a and 76b. As according to pattern S41 make the gear-change lever which you glue to the floor. The steering column element 75 glue as showed in the drawing. Glue the switches piece 75h on the sides with pieces 75b. Glue the ready element to the floor and the front panel. Make the back seat element 72 as showed in the drawing and then glue in the marked space to the floor. Glue the drivers armchair from piece 73 and wires S38 and S39. First from piece 73a glue the seat, next from piece 73b-e glue the back. Over wire S38 glue piece 73f and g. Glue together the seat and the back. Glue the pulleys 73h in the spacer showed in the drawing. From the bottom to the seat glue piece 73i and to it detail made from glued together pieces 73j and 73k. From pieces 73l and ³ make the seats basis. To it glue already glued together pieces 73m and n. Glue piece 73o from the top to pieces 73m and n. Fit the seat to the basis with the help of tightly rolled piece 73p as well as glued together pieces 73q and r. All you have to do is glue piece 73s and t as well as wire S39. Glue the ready armchair in the marked space. Glue from piece 74 the passengers armchairs. First glue the seat from piece 74a and the back from piece 74b and c. Next glue over the armchairs frame made from pattern S40 pieces 74d,e,f. Glue to the armchairs frame the seat and the back. Glue the armchairs basis from pieces 74g, h, i. Glue to the basis the armchair and the entire part fit to the floor. Glue from pieces 77a-f the extinguisher. The ready extinguisher can be fit for example on the back (inside) wall of the cabin or on the engines tunnel between the back seats.
Element 78 (the cabins inside walls)In piece 78a cut out all of the marked spaces. Next glue the ready element from the unprinted side by „panels” F1, F2 and F3.
While profiling piece 78a pay attention to the following things:
-bend the top part of the side walls slightly to the inside along the marked horizontal line (only the side walls!!!!)
-bend the side walls slightly along the verticaly broken line marked on the element
-the side walls passage into the back should be made as a semicircle and not angular.
After properly profiling piece 78a, glue in the marked spaces the „upholstery” (pieces 78b,c,d). The „upholstery” fill also with pieces 78e( grips)78f (crank to lower windows) and 78g (door handle). Glue ready piece 78 on earlier made elements. It is best to glue piece 78 in stages beginning from the back. The ceiling piece 79, to piece 79a glue the lamp piece 79b+c as well as the sun visor piece 79d+e. Glue the ready ceiling „to contact” to piece 78a. In the front also „contact” the front panel piece 80 which is glued to pattern F4. Glue pattern F4 to piece 80 from the unprinted side. Glue piece 80 from the printed side to the inside. Now on the joinings piece 78a, 79a and 80 glue the plywood. These plywoods are vital and you shouldn’t resignate from them because they will be needed later on in order to glue the outside piece sof the undercarriage. Begin gluing over the cabin the outside sheathing from piece 81. After cutting out piece 81a glue to it from the bottom with pieces 81b-81g. Profile piece 81a in a similar way as piece 78a. Glue ready element 81a on the cabin. While gluing piece 81a do not cover it entirely with glue but only its edges. The glued piece 81a should stick out from the top about 0,2 mm. Glue the roof piece 82a after profiling to the cabin. Onto piece 82a glue stripes piece 82b. To the front glue the panel piece 83. From pieces 84a-84f make the front part of the cabin (glue to elements 84a,b,c from the unprinted side pieces 84a’, 84b’, 84c’ and then paint the edges with properly chosen paint). Make from pieces 85a-85g the mudguards as well as the entrance step. First to the profiled and glued mudguard 85a glue piece 85g. Next glued together pieces 85b and c glue to piece 85a. Glue from pieces 85d,e,f the entrance steps to the cabin. Glue the ready step to the mudguard and then the entire piece glue to the cabin in the marked space. Remember that under piece 85a should be glued piece 85a’ which is on the thin sheet or you can simply paint the unprinted side black. Glue from pieces 86a and b the indicators and when ready glue it to the cabins sides in the marked space. Make the handles from properly profiled piece 86c and when ready, glue it to the door. Make from pieces 86d the grips which you fit to the front cabins wall.
Glue the wiper piece 86e to the front window as showed in the drawings. The oil pan pieces 87a-87e (after painting the unprinted side with proper paint) glue to the cabin in places showed in the drawing. To end glue the mirrors to the cabin made from pieces 88a-f as well as pattern S43, steps made from piece 89 and pattern S44. Glue the ready cabin to its earlier fitting.
Fit on the cabins roof the warning horns loudspeaker made from piece 90 as well as the flasher lamp piece 91. From piece 92 rolled tightly on pattern S45 make the antenna which you nextly glue to the roof in the marked space. From piece 93 you can make the position lamp which you glue in the roofs front corners. Make the searchlight from piece 94 and pattern S46 as showed in the drawing. The searchlights lamp can be „panelled” –just cut out the blue spacer in piece 94e and glue under it transparent foil. Next to the inside of the reflectors glue a cone made from piece 94d. You can also treat piece 94d as a pattern. The special vehiles marking piece 95 glue to the front of the cabin using the drawings. The second marking which is ment to be in the back can be glued only when the entire cars build is finished.
Element 96, The halogens.
Glue the lamps as showed in the drawing and then glue them from the bottom to the bumper. Bore holes in the bumper on pattern S47 and then glue it as showed in the assembly drawing.
Glue the autopomp from pieces 97a-f. To the glued autopomp glue properly profiled and glued pipes 97hP and 97hL. Glue the ready autopomp to the frame with the help of fittings glued from pieces 97i,j. Join the autopomp to the drive shaft with the help of shaft 97k which you roll tightly on a 2 mm bar. Glue from pieces 97l-p the autopumps tubulation which you nextly glue in the marked space to piece 97b. While gluing the tubulation make sure that the pipes outlet is on the proper lever from both sides.
The undercarriages building.
Glue pieces 98a-c together to form a box. Over the ready detail glue pieces 98d and e. Glue from the bottom piece 98f. Glue to piece 98f two stringers made from piece 98g and h. Next make from pieces 98i-l the imitation of the strengthening and then glue it to the inside of piece 98f. Glue from piece 98³ the strengthening which you fit to both sides of the tank in the marked space. Glue to the inside of piece 99a pieces 99b-e. Now you have to choose whether the locker is made open or closed. If you make it closed then from the inside to piece 99a glue the shutter piece 99j. If you choose to make the locker opened then piece 99j should be properly cut. Now to the inside of piece 99a glue piece 99f.Glue the lockerss on the sides from piece 99g. If you choose to make them opened then you must make their inside. Glue the locker inside 99g as showed in the drawing from pieces 100a-c, wires S48 and from 12 hoses glued from piece 101. Before gluing the locker glue properly cut piece 99i. Glue the ready locker on both sides to piece 99a. Now glue over the entire part piece 99h and then glue to piece 98b. Glue the triangles 99kL and 99kP to piece 98e. Glue the ready building to the frame. Glue from pieces 102a-g and wires S49 the mudguards. Next glue the mudguards from the bottom to piece 98l and glue piece 102g to the frame.Glue the front locker from pieces 103a-e(if you choose to make the inside). Glue to piece 103a from the inside pieces 103b,c,d, glue to the roof the lamp piece 103e. Do not glue completely piece 103a yet, glue it only when the equipment inside piece 103a is fully glued. Glue the shutter piece 103f from the inside to the opening in piece 103a. The equipment in both lockers is showed in the drawing. Glue in the right locker a stand with hoses glued from piece 104a-h as well as wire S50, in which are placed hoses glued from piece 101 (the upper ones) and 105 (the bottom ones). Place on the floor 4 small generators glued from piece 106a-³. In this locker you can also put keys which are used to tighten the hoses pieces 106n and m. After gluing the entire equipment you can glue the ready locker. Deal with the left locker similarly. The equipment and its arrangement in the left locker is showed in the assembly drawing. Glue the finished lockers on properly profiled piece 117b. Glue to piece 117b from the bottom pieces 117c-e. Over the entire piece glue sheathing piece 117a. Glue the finished lockers to the frame. Now glue from the bottom the pipes end 97³ to piece 117c. Make the shutters handles from properly profiled piece 118.
Glue from pieces 119 and 120 the suction pipes ends and autopumps delivery pump. Fit the delivery pumps from the bottom to piece 99a with the help of detail 120a. Glue piece 121 to the frame in the back. Make from pieces 122a-c and wire S55 the lights. Glue them to the holes in the frame. Glue from pieces 123-129 the fittings which you nextly fix on the undercarriages roof as showed in the drawing. Glue from pieces 130a and b details.
Now make the guns fitting.The vehile is equipt with 3 guns, one stationary and two movable transported in the back platforn of the vehile. First glue from pieces 131a-m as well as wires S59 and S60 two basis of the movable guns. Glue from pieces 132a-e the fixing. Glue from pieces 133a-p as well as wires S61 and S62 the stationary gun which you nextly fix onto the roof piece 117a. Make the first movable gun exacidly the same as the stationary gun but you only use pieces 133a-l. Glue the gun to the earlier made basis piece 131. Glue the secondo movable gun from pieces 134a-p as well as wires S63, S64, S65 and then also fix it on the basis 131. Now fix the guns with the basis to the undercarriage with the help of piece 132. CAUTION: While gluing the guns choose how to glue them to the basis and glue them with the properly lent barrel. Now make the ladders as showed in patterns S66 and S67 and then fix them in the marked spaces with the help of piece 135 and wires S68. What you still have to do is the rail as according to patterns S69, S70 and fix them to the model with the help of piece 136. Glue the splashers piece 137. Paint the ladders and rails silver.
Element 137, splashers.
Glue the splashers to the mudguards as showed in the main drawing.